
General procedure

To carry out troubleshooting, perform the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the vehicle has the key in ON position.
  2. Check the instrument cluster and make sure that the battery voltage is correct.
  3. Make sure that the cable to the vehicle is not damaged
  4. Make sure that none of the PINs are bent or broken.
  5. Make sure that the VOCOM II device LED status is as expected depending on your operation mode and device variant.
  6. Narrow down the problem by changing the components with some other that is known to be working correctly.
    • Try with another vehicle cable.
    • Try with another USB cable.
    • Try with another USB port on the computer.
    • Try with another VOCOM II device.
    • Try with another computer.
  7. If using WLAN, check that the WLAN is working properly. Consult your local IT support for advanced checking of WLAN.

Note: If none of the above solves the problem, contact support with the logs for support cases. See section 7.4.7 Download log files.

USB connection

In case you cannot see your VOCOM II device in the Configurator:

If you have a VOCOM II Tough connected on USB:

  1. This indicates that the firewall is blocking the VOCOM II communication. Open Configurator and use the Connectivity Check under the Options Menu to check if the required ports are open.
  2. If the Connectivity Check cannot see any USB device then it indicates there is a problem. Try another USB port in the computer.
  3. If that still does not work. Click Windows Start button and open Device Manager.
  4. Under Network Adapters you should see a VOCOM II Tough device. If you don’t, look for Unknown Device

If you have a VOCOM II Mini connected to a vehicle:

  1. You need to connect your computer to the VOCOM II access point first, open your network
  2. If after your computer is connected to the VOCOM II access point and you still cannot see the device in the Configurator then it means the firewall is blocking the VOCOM II communication.

The Connectivity Check will not work for wireless communication, so you can either use a VOCOM II Tough connected to the USB to verify the required ports or simply make sure the needed ports are allowed on the firewall, contact your system administrator if you need help with this step.

Wi-Fi connection


For proper operation of the VOCOM II hardware, the following firewall rules have to be set up. For the standard Windows Firewall, the VOCOM II installer will add these firewall rules automatically during the installation process.

Firewall ruleSetting
VOCOM II LOCATEDirection: Inbound Protocol: UDP Port: 427
VOCOM II HTTPDirection: Outbound Protocol: TCP Port: 80
VOCOM II RP1210Direction: Outbound Protocol: TCP Port: 27015
VOCOM II J2534Direction: Outbound Protocol: TCP Port: 2534

VOCOM II access point not found

The VOCOM II access point has not yet started up.Wait around 12 seconds for the access point to start up.
Windows has not automatically refreshed the list of available Wi-Fi networks.Open and close the list of available Wi-Fi networks. This normally makes Windows refresh the list.
The default configuration of the device has been altered.Reset the device, see Reset configuration.

No VOCOM II notification appeared during first time setup

The VOCOM II notification pops up but disappears after some time.

Follow these instructions:

  • Open VOCOM II Configurator on your computer.
  • Go to Select device.
  • Select the VOCOM II Mini device.

VOCOM II Mini is now paired with your computer.

The device notification did not appear

This can happen if the default configuration of the device has been changed.Reset the device, see Reset configuration.
You have connected the wrong VOCOM II Mini device.
The VOCOM II Mini device is out of range.
The notifications are disabled.

Your computer does not connect to the VOCOM II Mini device

This can happen if the default configuration of the device has been changed.Reset the device, see Reset configuration.
You have connected the wrong VOCOM II Mini device.
The VOCOM II Mini device is out of range.

After restarting the VOCOM II device blinks blue for a while and then gets a red light

This means the device could not connect to the network.
Most probably due to a user/password mistake.

After restarting the VOCOM II device blinks blue for a while and then gets a stable blue light

This means that the device is connected to the configured network.
If you still cannot see the device on Configurator, it is most probably a problem in the Unicast setting.

After restarting the VOCOM II device keeps blinking blue and nothing happens

This means that either:
The configuration is wrong and the VOCOM II device cannot find the network. Reason might be that the network name field has been changed by accident.

The configuration has not been saved and the VOCOM II is still hosting the access point. You will be able to see VOCOM II access point on Windows.

Device has error light turned on


What does the errors in Status page means?

The VOCOM II device saves certain events in an internal Device Error List.

See VOCOM II Configurator > Status tab.

Figure: Device error list.
  1. Refresh button
  2. Delete button
  3. Filter button

Most of the error codes stored are events that has happened and are saved for your own information, it does not mean that device is defective.

Refer to the following list to determine the error cause and how to carry out troubleshooting procedures.

Error codeError descriptionCauseSolution
0001Wrong PSKWLAN password does not match the password on the Access Point.Reenter password and make sure that it matches the password on Access Point.
0003Login credentials errorUser name and/or password for authentication were rejected by authentication server.Make sure user name/identity and/or password match those on the authentication server.
0004Certificate invalidClient certificate was rejected.Upload a valid client certificate to the device.
0005Certificate expiredClient certificate has expired.Upload a valid client certificate to the device.
0006Certificate not yet validClient certificate is not yet valid.Upload a valid client certificate to the device.
0007Wrong server certificateCertificate sent by authentication server could not be validated with installed root certificate. Make sure that the root certificate on the device is the same used by the network you wish to connect to.
0008IEEE 802.1X authentication failedLogin credentials were rejected by authentication server.Make sure to use a valid certificate or user name and password.
0100Client connect with wrong PSKA client tried to connect with an invalid password.Make sure that the password is correct. Check for unauthorised WLAN users.
1001Temperature highTemperature is very high, warning state entered.Switch on AC or find another means of cooling the device; alternatively, stop using it until ambient temperature is low enough.
1002Temperature criticalTemperature has reached or exceeded critical value, system will be powered down.Device has powered down; wait until ambient temperature is low enough.
1010Voltage lowThe voltage is lower than it should be.Check the vehicle battery.
1011Voltage critically lowThe voltage is critically low, proper operation can no longer be guaranteed.Check the vehicle battery.
1012Voltage highThe voltage is higher than it should be.Check the vehicle battery or charger.
1013Voltage critically highThe voltage is critically high, proper operation can no longer be guaranteed.Check the vehicle battery or charger.
1100Update failed due to failed checksum checkThe image contents as written to the flash memory were found to be corrupted.Try the update again later.
1101Update failed, image did not bootThe image failed to boot properly, for instance due to power loss during update.Try the update again later.
1102Update failed, image had invalid formatThe file used for update was not a valid VOCOM II update image file.Use only official, authorized update images.
1104Update failed, image signature check did not passThe image file was modified or corrupted.Use only official, authorized update images.
2001Missing DHCP addressDHCP client mode configured but no DHCP address received after n tries.Check network settings – is a DHCP server available?
9000Hardware fault: Flash #1Firmware flash defect detected.The device must be replaced
9001Hardware fault: Flash #2Application flash defect detected.The device must be replaced
9002Hardware fault: RAMRAM defect detected.The device must be replaced
9003Hardware fault: WLAN calibration dataWLAN calibration data defect detected.The device must be replaced
9004Hardware fault: temperature sensorTemperature sensor cannot be accessed.The device must be replaced
9100CAN communication errorError in CAN communication.Make sure that the Self Test adapter is plugged. Repeat test with same Self Test adapter and another unit. If the other unit tests successfully, get a replacement for the erroneous one.
9101K-Line communication errorError in K-Line communication.Make sure that the Self Test adapter is plugged. Repeat test with same Self Test adapter and another unit. If other unit tests success- fully, get a replacement for erroneous one.
9102DoIP communication errorError in DoIP communication.Make sure that the Self Test adapter is plugged. Repeat test with same Self Test adapter and another unit. If other unit tests successfully, get a replacement for erroneous one.
9103J1708 communication errorError in J1708 communication.Make sure that the Self Test adapter is plugged. Repeat test with same Self Test adapter and another unit. If other unit tests success- fully, get a replacement for erroneous one.
9200WLAN Self Test unsuccessfulConnection to the network unsuccessful after time-out.Make sure that network settings and credential match the network you wish to connect to.
8000USB unplugged while diagnostics session activeUSB unplugged while diagnostics session active.Plug device.
8001Communication with vehicle communication CPU disturbedVehicle communication CPU is unreachable, connection disturbed.Unplug device completely, then plug it in and try again. Update to latest firmware.
8010RP1210App crashedAbnormal end due to crashRepower device and try again. Update to latest firmware.
8011PTApp crashedAbnormal end due to crashRepower device and try again. Update to latest firmware.