VOCOM II operation modes

VOCOM II operation modes

Figure: Operation modes for VOCOM II

VOCOM II supports two operation modes:

  1. Wired operation mode/USB mode:
    • Wired mode is used when both the computer and the vehicle/equipment are connected to the VOCOM II via cables.
    • Only VOCOM II Tough device has the wired operation capability.
    • The VOCOM II device is powered via OBD (primarily) or USB.
  2. Wireless operation mode/WLAN mode:
    • Both VOCOM II Tough variant and VOCOM II Mini variant have the wireless operation capabilities.
    • Wireless mode of operation uses Wi-Fi network connection. Therefore, it requires a computer to have a wireless network adapter (Wi-Fi capability).
      • 2.1. Wireless access point mode is used when the computer is connected directly to the VOCOM II network. This means that there will be no direct internet access while connected to the VOCOM II. Using VOCOM II with a USB adapter will provide the user with access to the internet.
      • 2.2. Android mode is available specifically to connect any android device to the VOCOM II Mini.
      • 2.3. Wireless infrastructure mode is used when both the computer and the VOCOM II are connected to the same network. It is most suitable for workshops, where a connection to the Internet is necessary and added mobility is beneficial.

Find instructions to set up your VOCOM II device here.

1. Wired operation mode/USB mode

Figure: Wired mode/USB mode of operation
  1. Diagnostic connector
  2. ECTA-26/OBD cable
  3. VOCOM II Tough
  4. ECTA-12/USB cable
  5. Windows computer
  6. Internet access
  7. Router
  8. Internet/Central System
  • For wired operation, connect the VOCOM II Tough device to the computer using the ECTA-12/USB cable. Connect the VOCOM II Tough device to the vehicle/equipment using the ECTA-26/OBD cable.
  • The VOCOM II configurator application needs to be installed on the windows PC.

2. Wireless operation mode/WLAN mode

  • The wireless operation mode for VOCOM II is using a Wi-Fi connection WLAN 802.11a/b/g/n.
  • The VOCOM II Tough device must be connected to the vehicle/equipment using the ECTA-26/OBD cable. The VOCOM II device is powered via OBD. However, ECTA-12/USB cable is not required due to the wireless connection.
  • The connection between the VOCOM II device and the computer is wireless, both for the Tough variant and the Mini variant.
  • The VOCOM II configurator application needs to be installed on the windows PC.
  • There are three methods to connect the VOCOM II device wirelessly to the computer:
    1. The access point mode
    2. The android mode/Wi-Fi direct mode
    3. The infrastructure mode

2.1 The wireless access point mode

For VOCOM II Tough device:

Figure: VOCOM II Tough in access point mode
  1. Diagnostic connector
  2. ECTA-26/OBD cable
  3. VOCOM II Tough
  4. VOCOM’s Wi-Fi network
  5. USB adapter
  6. Windows computer
  7. Internet access
  8. Router
  9. Internet/Central System

For VOCOM II Mini device:

Figure: VOCOM II Mini in access point mode
  1. Diagnostic connector
  2. VOCOM II Mini
  3. VOCOM’s Wi-Fi network
  4. USB adapter
  5. Windows computer
  6. Internet access
  7. Router
  8. Internet/Central System
  • Wireless Access Point is the default wireless operation mode of VOCOM II. This is a very convenient method to use VOCOM II devices wirelessly due to the ease of use.
  • In access point mode, the VOCOM II device creates its own Wi-Fi network and the computer connects directly to this network.
  • To operate the VOCOM II device in Wi-Fi access point mode, a wireless USB adapter is required.

2.2 Android Mode/Wi-Fi Direct mode of operation

Figure: VOCOM II Mini in Android mode
  1. Diagnostic connector
  2. VOCOM II Mini
  3. VOCOM’s Wi-Fi network
  4. Android device
  5. Internet access
  6. Router
  7. Internet/Central System
  • This is another wireless mode of operation meant only to connect the VOCOM II device to the android devices. Instructions to connect an android device to the VOCOM II device is found here.
  • The VOCOM II Mini device is connected to the vehicle/equipment’s OBD port/Diagnostic connector. The connection between the VOCOM II Mini and the android device is wireless.

2.3 The wireless infrastructure mode

For VOCOM II Tough device:

Figure: VOCOM II Tough infrastructure mode connection
  1. Diagnostic connector
  2. ECTA-26/OBD cable
  3. VOCOM II Tough
  4. Wi-Fi network
  5. Router
  6. Internet access
  7. Internet/Central System
  8. Windows Computer

For VOCOM II Mini device:

Figure: VOCOM II Mini infrastructure mode connection
  1. Diagnostic connector
  2. VOCOM II Mini
  3. Wi-Fi network
  4. Router
  5. Internet access
  6. Internet/Central System
  7. Windows computer
  • In infrastructure mode, the VOCOM II device connects to a wireless network from an enterprise router and the tech tool computer is also connected to this same enterprise router.

Advantages of using wireless mode over USB mode

  • Cost Saving:
    • The fact that using wireless mode of operation simply eliminates the need for a ECTA-12/USB connector cable itself is a great way to cut costs on replacements.
    • One less cable to use is one less way to spend money.
  • Easy maintenance and handling:
    • Wireless mode of operation is a hassle free and quick solution. All you need to do is connect the USB adapter to your computer and configure it for the first time (if using VOCOM II Mini) or connect the computer to the access point (if using VOCOM II Tough).
    • Using multiple cables and other large hardware in a tough and busy environment like a workshop is always difficult. Considerable amount of time and effort is saved by eliminating the need to handle the ECTA-12/USB connector cable.
  • Easy setup:
    • Detailed step-by-step procedure for setting up for wireless mode of operation is available here.
    • In case of VOCOM II Tough variant, only ECTA-26/OBD connector cable needs to be used and the device is connected to the computer via access point. In case of VOCOM II Mini variant, you just need to connect the dongle to the truck and the USB adapter to the computer.
  • Convenient usage:
    • Wireless mode of operation allows the user to stay as far as 10m away from the truck and work conveniently without any interruption. There is no need for any long cables or unnecessary and non value adding physical movements between the truck and the computer.
    • Any cable is subjected to wear and tear and so are the cables used in the USB operation mode. However, the wireless mode of operation reduces such wear and tear problems by eliminating the need for ECTA-12/USB cable.